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Matching entries from BatesLine

Trendiness in medical terminology

Via Instapundit, I found this headline on the CNN website: "Man appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant." I was curious. I figured it was some form of adult stem cell therapy, but I imagine that many people reading the headline and nothing else would have assumed it involved...

Prayer requests for a couple of bloggers

"Sheshe," a mom to eleven kids, is being evaluated for deep brain stimulation surgery to deal with severe dystonia. She asks for prayers for wisdom on the decision she'll have if the doctors decide she's a good candidate for surgery. Amy Wilhoite is a young mom with a fourteen-month-old baby...

Stem-cell research bills in U. S. Senate tomorrow

From an e-mail alert from Tony Lauinger, chairman of Oklahomans for Life: On Tuesday, July 18, the Senate will vote on H.R. 810, a bill that would force taxpayers to fund research using stem cells obtained by killing human embryos. This bill, which is strongly opposed by Oklahomans For Life...

Cord-blood stem cell breakthrough

Via Mister Snitch!, there's news of a woman, 19 years a paraplegic, who has regained some feeling and movement in her legs following infusion of stem cells from umbilical cord blood. Mister Snitch writes: "If this, again, is valid, it probably also marks the beginning of the end of principled...

<em>Whirled</em> views on stem cell research

Editorial page editor Ken Neal, in Sunday's Tulsa Whirled, displays both ignorance and disingenuousness on the issue of federal funding for stem cell research. Where to begin with this mess? It's difficult to understand President Bush's opposition to embryonic stem-cell research. The president appears to believe that "life" is being...

And so to bed

Putting my blogroll in recent-update order has called my attention back to blogs I marked long ago, but haven't read in a while. You may have noticed a couple of dead bloggers on the blogroll. One of them is Samuel Pepys, the famous diarist of 17th century London. His blog...

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